by Sue Mead | Mar 10, 2021

Finally some good news from Boris. We can hopefully all come out of lockdown and go back to a sort of normal, whatever that is now.
Here at Need The Loo we have been non stop for the last year, helping out existing customers with their toilet facilities and lots of new customers have come on board with us. Mostly after being let down by other toilet companies. I am pleased to say my little business has tripled in size since January 2020. We are one of the lucky businesses that have continued to grow and flourish, I do feel for businesses that have lost massive revenue and staff over this last year. Hopefully now the vaccine is here and going well, we can build on this foundation to get some normality back and continue with our lives.
We are starting to take bookings for events and private functions and our calendar is rapidly filling up. So if you are thinking of having a celebration or village function, give us a call to book your toilets.
Our new Iveco Truck is turning out to be a great vehicle, very reliable and cheap to run. I am sure it won’t be long before we purchase another truck to run alongside it, with business booming.
All in all a good start to the year so far.
by Sue Mead | Aug 12, 2020
If someone told you in December that we would be fighting an unknown virus in 2020, which sadly has been killing people worldwide, would you have believed it? No? Me neither. It all still seems a little surreal to me, almost like we are living in a blockbuster film.
Lockdown for us at Need The Loo Toilet Hire was almost like any other day apart from much less traffic, out servicing, delivering and collecting toilets. I know some businesses have found times tough and I am sure there are more tough times to come but for us, it has been four months of really hard work. Need The Loo has doubled in size, with us picking up over 30 new clients from other toilet companies, who had shut down and were not servicing the toilets but amazingly still charging their clients for the privilege. We are an old fashioned business who treat their clients like we ourselves like to be treated.
As lockdown is being eased, folk are wanting to let their hair down after a good few months, so are booking toilets for socially distanced get togethers. Who can blame them!! Let’s hope a more normal life will return.
Keep safe out there and be respectful to one another……
by Sue Mead | May 19, 2020
What a complete crazy world we live in. Who could have predicted that we would have a world wide lockdown because of a deadly virus. I hope that you, your family and friends have remained safe and well during this period.
I did think at the start of lockdown that our business would be heavily affected because of the nature of the clients that we have, mainly small building firms and construction sites. Whilst a few of our clients did self isolate and suspend their toilet hire with us, other companies stayed working throughout. It came to our attention after 4 weeks when the phone was red hot with calls, that other toilet hire companies had completely shut down their operations, without any prior communication with their clients. Hence rather smelly and dirty toilets!!! Said clients were not happy and in one week alone we picked up 10 new clients and have continued to do so.
So whilst this dreaded virus has upset a lot of other business, it has actually helped ours. Because even though I could tell you till I was blue in the face that we are the best toilet company out there, until you actually hire one from me then you will not realise what a completely different company we are compared to the others. Our customers have been so impressed that they have been reviewing us on Google. It makes me feel really proud that all my hard work and commitment is slowly being recognised.
So why not jump on board with us for your portable toilet hire needs!!!

by Sue Mead | Jan 15, 2020

What an absolute cracker 2019 was for Need The Loo Toilet Hire!
The business is continuing to grow, with lots more toilets purchased but above all it still amazes me how well we are doing for such a young company. The tail end of December, business was slow as most of our clients were finishing off projects in preparation for Christmas so a few of our toilets came home for a well earned hot clean and refresh. Now January is here, business trade is picking up, with 7 toilets going out to clients in one day.

We have had a change around over the holiday break. Luke, my son has now come into the business and is taking on the role of Chief Loo Cleaner. For a young man he is doing very well and is very conscientious in his work. He is well aware of the reputation I have built up with my clients so doesn’t want to let the side down and hopefully in the future he will take over the business and I can retire! This in itself is great for me, as I can spend more time in the office generating more work and preparing quotations.

We already have a lot of weekend bookings starting in May for the event season, with more enquiries coming in most days. So it looks like 2020 will be twice as good as 2019!
by Sue Mead | Nov 24, 2019
Sadly I can’t remember the last time we had a lovely sunny dry day. Not sure about you guys but gee I am fed up of this rain!! Although saying that I have been fairly lucky on my toilet cleaning days. i seem to be able to drive around the downpours and stay fairly dry with just the odd light shower hampering the job. I must not Laugh Out Loud…..the same cannot be said for Rob’s toilet cleaning days. Last week he went through 4 waterproof coats and several hats but at least he had the foresight to wear waterproof leggings.I can cope with most things in life but I really hate being wet through…..Even my trucking buddy Dexter hasn’t wanted to get out of the warm dry truck. Cant say I blame him….
Hopefully this will be the last week of rain and we can have some cold frosty days with the sun out shining. I wish!!!